
How to choose the right wedding ring ?

Buying wedding diamond ring is a very prudent thing. You will be pay for a larger sum amount for a small ring. Whether it is glass, do, or have flaws, will be of interest to you. So, before buying diamond ring that you really know something? Here we will introduce you to some choice ways to enable you to make the right choice.

How to Get Started

And like purchase some other valuables, before you go to the store should be preceded as much as possible the relevant information. Before understand the diamond ring, we first decide where best to buy. You bought a diamond ring to the nearest friend or relative first understand the situation in this respect. If your friends are engaged in jewelry appraisal, it can also give you some good recommendation. If not, you can go to a larger gold shop, where consult the experts .

How much will spend

Diamond Technology has always maintained a traditional design, it would not be devalued, and thus to attract consumers. In short, they will suggest you use two-month salary to buy a diamond ring. Do not worry, even if your salary is not high, you can still find the suitable jeweler, where spending power of the ring for you. Remember, this is a not a small amount, your ability to pay up decide by yourself. May sound silly, if you want a good price to buy a diamond ring, it would have to select the appropriate season. Typically, the peak of the holiday gift-giving or prices will be more expensive, but will drop in January, no one clear why.

Selection principle

Diamond selection of the "4 C" principles: cutting (cut), color, purity (clarity) and the carat (carat weight). This is the identification of diamond quality and value focus. 


Cutting is one of the only man-made factors. A skilled diamond cutters make a good drill ore dazzling, he can maximize the internal light reflection to the diamond surface. Cutters to have cut it around as if the mirror-like symmetry.

A good diamond may be neglect because of cutter technology lack. An ideal cut diamonds should be round in shape, and there are 58 clear of the cutting edge, it can maximize light reflection. A high-quality diamonds have a very high value, reflecting strong and symmetric, but it is not very perfect cut. Low-quality diamond cutting probably because you want to keep the weight of its largest cut too deep or too easy, so do not put it luster. The diamond polishing technology will also affect the quality. A diamond that cut perfectly symmetrical but for poor polished may be reduction in the value.


In some large jewelry store they will be on display for the comparison of some diamonds, they will lash diamonds of various color grades in a row, to help customers to control, because the general customers can not distinguish with the naked eye to diamonds of color. Diamond color to colorless as the most top grade, with the deepening of the yellow gradually followed.


In general, the defects determined by the value of diamonds. More accurate to say that depends on the amount of impurities in diamond ores. Almost every piece of diamond ore contains impurities, even if the quality of even the best drilling ore. 


Carats of diamonds had been considered a measure of the value of the decisive criterion. When someone says a 2-carat diamond bought, people will feel incredible. In fact, the diamond cut, color and purity and weight of the value for the diamond is equally important. A cutting process is poor, color yellowish and defective 2-carat diamond of the value should be far less than perfect, transparent and pure diamond. Therefore, the weight of diamonds is not a major factor in the decision diamond value. The weight of diamonds are still affecting its value. Clarify the jeweler tells you the accuracy of the weight of the diamonds is very important. Therefore, in the time of purchase on the spot to make your jeweler measured the weight of the diamond, if the jewelers reluctant to do so, then go to other stores.


Mosaic is a very important part of it. Poor Mosaic will cause a lot of trouble, it may make the diamond off. So be sure that check diamond ring bracket is strong or not when buying, with the diamond phase at the adequacy of thick.


Models on the market today is more and more, jewelry designers are also innovation. But the more classic style is round, oval-shaped, pearl-shaped and square. The shape does not affect the diamond overall value and quality. On the contrary, it more reflects the pre-cut diamonds in the shape of the original.


Your diamond should have a copy of its certificate authenticity, it shows that the diamond quality, weight and cutting technology. This is guarantee for diamond ring when you purchase.

I wish you have a beautiful wedding, you can select the most suitable for your own diamond ring.

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