The Scarabee Shiny Calf Cabat bag features on the classic and ubiquitous Bottega weave. A straightforward and simple rectangular shape ensures that the bag’s material and construction are at center stage. However, what really steals the show is this bag’s color. Made out of irridescent metallic, the Scarabee presents a silvery, rainbow colored hue that’s unique in a technicolour way.

Likewise, check out the gold pyrite Scarabee oxydized silver bug knot clutch bag. A silver colored base holds gold and greenish looking beetles that, will draw envious looks. It is luxury and unique for you.
経典と個性完璧に融合するbottega 財布はさり気なくこれみよがしなブランド力を十分にアピール!非常に定番中の定番です!女子必見のファッションアイテムbottega veneta バッグがスタイリッシュな個性をよりクールに引き立ててくれるその存在感は相変わらず見事。より大人らしさをアピール。出来上がった今世紀最高のBottega ショルダーバッグ!!